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Plant Scholars Travel Awards for Plant Biology 2024

The American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) is a leader in developing and supporting professional development opportunities for members at all career stages and institution types. To further develop support infrastructure centering around the ASPB conferences, ASPB is seeking to receive input from individuals at diverse career stages to collect conference experience, identify opportunities for improvement, and help develop ideas for targeted professional development programming. ASPB is in the process of collecting funds to provide travel awards to the Plant Biology 2024 national ASPB conference in Honolulu HI for individuals willing to participate in this project. These travel awards will include registration cost (or reimbursement of registration if already paid), hotel costs for up to five days at conference hotel, and a travel costs which will be reimbursed up to a set dollar value after the event. Travel award recipients are expected to participate in all program events, which could include virtual gatherings before and after the national conference, an in-person gathering at the conference, and surveys.

The travel awards would be supported by pending funds from the National Science Foundation. If these funds are not approved and funded, ASPB will not be able to offer any travel funds. ASPB will notify all applicants if this should occur.  Per NSF guidelines, the application is open to United States (US) citizens, permanent residents of the US, or a person working at a US institution.

We encourage applications from individuals at diverse career transition stages (undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs, early career scientists, those interested in transitioning to different fields/careers, those returning to research from heavy administrative duties, etc) and from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and institution types (PUIs, HBCUs, MSIs, R2s, R1s). Mentor-Mentee pairs are also encouraged to apply.

Applicants will be asked to submit a research abstract, a personal statement including current career stage and future plans, and general information about past conferences attended and other funding sources.

The Plant Scholars travel award application deadline is April 19, 2024.  If the grant is received, ASPB will send notifications by May 31